Jan 9, 2023

Testimony of Sponsored Mom Marin

Carine and her mom live in Nyaruguru, Rwanda.  Carine's mom, Martin, got pregnant her senior year of high school.  She got raped by a member of her family and then he left far away.  when she asked the father of the son that raped her for help, he didn't believe her.  That is when they kicked her out of the house.  Her mom was in jail during that time because she was accused of being part of the genocide.  When our ministry team came in July and prayed with her she forgave the man who raped her.  She said she feels free and feels so much change.  Now she understands the importance of forgiveness.  After she forgave, she prayed  and the Lord brought her a sponsorship.  She makes money harvesting tea leaves.  She used that money to hlep her mom.  She thanks the sponsor for Carine's school uniform, and shoes.