Dawn Frawley has always had a heart for missions and participated in short-term missions for many years. After receiving her MBA from Pepperdine University and spending 25 years working in business, God stirred her heart for more. In 2021, she was invited to join a team on a mission trip to Rwanda. She couldn’t unsee the severity of the need there and it broke her heart. She couldn’t come back home and not do anything about it, so she knew she would be going back. During the course of planning her return, the Lord gave her a dream about doing missionary work full-time. The location in her dream was very specific and after a few conversations it was revealed that location was a small village in the Republic of Congo. Thus, Hands and Feet Global was started. Her heart is to see God’s people transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit while providing for the practical physical needs of the people of Africa.
If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? - James 2:15-16