Jul 26, 2022
Salvation Mukansenga Rwanda 2022
Meet Mukansenga and her baby Gentille. Her testimony blows us away! Mukansenga parents died when she was young, she was sexually assaulted, the man left her pregnant with Gentile. With farming paying less than a dollar a day she turned to prostitution to provide. She shared with us how miserable her life was. One of her friends noticed her pain and invited her to church. The first day she came to church Dawn was speaking and gave an opportunity for an alter call. Mukansenga came forward and dedicated her life to Christ, that day she turned from prostitution and her life has never been the same. She experienced Jesus and his love for her, she was radically purified and can’t stop sharing about what the lord has done for her. Through her sharing her 4 brothers and many of her friends have given there life to Jesus. During this time someone chose to sponsor her and now she has food, mattress, mosquito net, clothes, health care and her child will be able to go to school (when he is old enough)The 1st picture shows Mukansenga with Gentille before she met Jesus, the 2nd picture is transformed Mukansenga! Look what the lord has done!! Look at that smile Praise Our King, he reigns!