Sep 30, 2024
Healings Rwandan Pygmys 2024
We held an outreach to a tribe of pygmy's in Rwanda. We had 280 show up on each day of the two days and over 280 came forward for the altar call, to give their lives to Christ! These are testimonies from the people who received healing at that event.
- Jeanne Mukamana: “I had severe back pain for years. After the prayer, I felt warmth and relief. Today, I walk without pain and have found peace within.”
- Eric Niyonsaba: “Bitterness consumed me after my family was harmed. Pastor Dawn’s prayer helped me forgive, and I now live in peace without physical pain.”
- Marie Uwizeye: “My headaches were unbearable. But after Pastor Dawn’s prayer, they disappeared. I’ve forgiven those who wronged me and feel whole again.”
- Jean Hakizimana: “I was diagnosed with a chest condition, and no treatment worked. After the prayer, I felt healed and could breathe freely. My soul is at peace.”
- Agnes Mukantwali: “My relationship with my siblings was strained. Pastor Dawn’s prayer touched my heart, and I was healed of the ulcers caused by stress and resentment.”
- David Gashumba: “My leg was injured in conflict, and I struggled with pain. I was healed during the prayer session and found strength to forgive my attackers.”
- Alice Nyirabashumba: “For years, I suffered from constant stomach issues. After Pastor Dawn’s prayer, my symptoms vanished, and I found forgiveness for my past hurt.”
- Patrick Murera: “I lived with a heavy heart and struggled with skin issues. After Pastor Dawn prayed, I experienced healing and a new peace within.”
- Christine Uwitonze: “I had vision problems and felt trapped in anger. After the prayer, I saw more clearly, both physically and spiritually, and I forgave those who hurt me.”
- Joseph Ntibihangana: “My body was frail, and I was sickly for years. Pastor Dawn’s prayer brought me healing and the courage to forgive myself and others.”
- Francine Nyiramana: “I had recurring joint pain that no doctor could cure. After Pastor Dawn prayed, I felt a release from the pain and was able to forgive old wounds.”
- Paul Rukundo: “I was burdened by resentment and heart disease. Pastor Dawn’s prayer gave me relief, healing my heart physically and emotionally.”
- Sonia Uwamariya: “My family rejected me, and I was often ill. After the prayer, I felt healed from inside out, and I forgave my family with a light heart.”
- Innocent Mukwaya: “Asthma attacks were part of my life. But after Pastor Dawn’s prayer, I’ve been free of symptoms. I now live without hate or resentment.”
- Marie Mukamwiza: “My migraines and bitterness weighed on me. After the prayer, my headaches disappeared, and I felt free to forgive those who wronged me.”
- James Twagirimana: “I was diagnosed with a kidney issue. Pastor Dawn’s prayer brought healing to my body and forgiveness to my soul. I am grateful.”
- Sylvia Kanyana: “Anxiety affected my health, and I had constant stomach pain. After prayer, I felt at peace, and my pain left. Forgiving others became easier.”