Sep 30, 2024
Congo Deputy Commander Rebels 2024
In September, our team made a trip to Congo where among other things, we held an outreach to a group of rebels from the mountains of South Kivu. Before the outreach began, I had the opportunity to interview the Deputy Commander of the Wazalendo Army. I asked him to describe the changes he saw after the crusade we held in his area a year prior. This is what he said.
“I praise God for the way you have remembered us again. The prayers you gave on our mountain left many people healed. Even the preaching you gave there has made a difference. Those that were drunkards, those that were smoking, those that were beating others and doing violent things, have completely changed, and today many are in the church. They are no longer doing those things. Your prayers have done amazing things. Miracles upon miracles have happened. Your prayers have healed us as Wazalendos. We had some young people who were fighting for no reason. I remember when you first arrived for the crusade, we met you on the road and we were escorting you to our village. After we arrived the Wazalendos were listening to you preach the Word of God. Then when they heard you were coming again to preach, they all said, we are going there. There were people who were divorcing their wives for no reason. And they would beat their wives when they were drunk. But because of the preaching you did in our village, it has helped. As a result of your preaching, the violence in our region is ending. Since you came to our village, there has been a good atmosphere in our place. I was among the drunk people. But from the time you preached to us, I have changed my direction. My brothers who have come now to this outreach to hear you preach are not saved. We are praying you will touch everyone. May God continue to bless you, and may God strengthen you. Please do not get tired. You may have to climb some hills and go into some valleys, but you have to proclaim what God has put in your heart. Even those that are outside of the church, can also hear your preaching. God has chosen you to go and proclaim this. Please do not get tired."