Jul 31, 2024
Burundi Crusade Healings 2024
Below are testimonies from people prayed for at the crusades we held in Burundi.
Testimony 1 (saved at the crusade)
I thank God for the time when the Muzungu was in Buterere. I was on my seventh pair of eyeglasses, she prayed for me, my eyes were cured. I also had stomach pain so I couldn’t eat much. My stomach pain went away and now I am now able to eat normally.
Testimony 2 (saved at the crusade)
I want to thank God. I was suffering and my leg was in a lot of pain. I had so much pain that I used to have nights of pain and crying from my leg and my arm hurting. During the crusade on Saturday, they called up the sick to come forward for prayer. I came forward to have the Muzungu prayed for me. I told her that my legs were hurting due to a non-curable disease. Since she prayed for me, my legs and arm pain is gone and my disease is gone.
Testimony 3
I attended the crusade at Buterere. I had stomach pain for two years. The Kenyan man prayed for me the first night and I felt better. I attended another day. The ushers were telling us to step back but I pushed my way forward so that I could get a get a complete healing. After the Muzungu prayed for me, I was completely healed. Since that time, I have received blessings. I used to have only one set of clothes that I would wear for church. But she prayed for me. The next morning, I received a call from someone I used to sell avocados to. They called me even though I did not know they had my number. When I reached there, they gave me African clothing and five soaps. I received these blessings because of the Muzungu’s prayers. May God bless that Muzungu a lot. I still feel good even after that day of prayer
Testimony 4 (family saved at crusade)
I thank God, it has been six months since I stopped praying. I got saved 12 years ago and I have been attending this church for 8 years but was not able to get baptized. My husband and my child got saved, and we all got baptized. She came as an answer to prayer for me. May God bless her.
Testimony 5 (saved at crusade)
I am thanking God. Since I gave birth to my child, she has not been able to breath well. I went to the pharmacy and bought medication to use through the nose, but it was not affective. We wanted to give her advance treatment with machines, but we did not have the money. My child used to cry a lot. So, I went to the crusade at Buterere and talked with the Muzungu servant of God about my child’s situation. She prayed for her and since that day, my child is breathing well. She is no longer crying from that issue. May. God bless her.
Testimony 6 (saved at crusade)
I had an operation in my stomach that would not heal. I came to the crusade, but I hesitated. They told me to go to the Muzungu for prayer but I said no. They said you have to go. I said I am not saved. But God pushed me to go so I could not hold back. I told myself in my heart to go and confess my sins. The Muzungu pastor asked me “Did you go to witches?” I told her “no”. I told her my child was not defecating. Then she asked me again “Did you take your child to witches?” Again I said “no”. I felt like my heart was burning. She made me confess all those sins including other sins and I gave my life to Jesus. Then she asked me what I needed healing for. I told her I have a wound was not healing and fluid was coming out of it. She prayed for me and my child. My wound is healing and the fluid stopped coming out and I feel good. I used to have terrible dreams but now II no longer have bad dreams, My child sleeps well during the night and is defecating well. May God bless her.
Testimony 7
I came to the crusade. At the end I asked the Mzungu to pray for healing for the pain I was experiencing. I suffered from AIDS but was too shy to tell her. After the prayer, my pain went away. I went to the doctor the following week and he confirmed that I no longer tested positive for AIDS.